How to deal with your period while camping


Camping and cramping can be tiring and terrifying for most. Though there are simple ways to ease and comfort and to be careful with tips on how to deal with your period at summer camp. Specially if you have backpacking or hiking or any outdoor sport adventures aligned for your summer camp. Though it seems discomforting but hiking or long hours in outdoors can be simply easing out the pain and crams felt during periods. Many girls and women get scared at the thought of periods while camping. But this is not other than when you are at work or at school.

How to deal with your period at summer camp:

For teens and young adults this can be discomforting as well as awkward. Major worry is will the fun be the same now, and will the summer camp experience be any good for this situation. Well a few basics can not just ease and comfort you but also help you overcome the pain and cramping. Some tips for parents of young adults and teens going for summer camp during that crucial time of the month:

1- Read about the bathroom policy at summer camp:

Ask the camp counselors and coordinators about how the bathroom settings work. How the 5-10 second check every hour gets about, say are the camp policies strict and do not allow or they are flexible under these situations. How the tampoons or pads are to be kept and where does the used ones go. Also give extra pads and paper bags to cover them before trashingRead about the bathroom policy at summer camp

2- Check for receptacles and stalls in bathrooms:

Your child may feel awkward to carry pads every time they visit the bathroom. Also how the trash is cleaned and how well the soap and sanitizing facilities are. Your child must know it all before attending the summer camp. Remember the more they are aware the better it is for them while they are at the summer camp

3- Make effort in asking the camps counselors about buddy groups and also have your child understand to keep a close circle of friends who would check on spots and other leaks every few minutes. It is easy for the girls to make a clan and enforce these without being embarrassed and worried. For every girls undergoes this all.

4- Be prepared with period kits:

Your daughter must have all her period supplies ready and handy at all time. Send extra in terms of pads and carry bags and you never know how heavy or light the flow is. Keep a zippered bag for all the supplies so that the child does not drop anything and get embarrassed or miss important items when at summer camp. Send various pads for 8 hour, 10 hour and overnight protection. Keep them to a good quality pads as you don’t want your child to worry about a leaking pad.

5- Let your kid have some hot packs too:

Hot pads and others to ease off the pain and cramping can be sent along too. For the days when she has heavy bleeding and excruciating pain. This will be a psychological support for the child too. They may not need it as amid all the fun and frolic they won’t even remember their periods.Let your kid have some hot packs too

How to deal with your period while camping:

Camping or backpacking is a thrilling adventure and when you have periods during that adventure, you tend to get uneasy. But don’t worry, we have some very helpful tips which will let you know how to deal with your period while camping, in most effective and efficient of ways. These tips include:

1- Don’t worry you won’t be eaten by a bear while bleeding:

This is a myth that bear attacks and eats you when you have your periods. Bears attack only if they see food and not blood. Use diva cups or soft cups to avoid attracting wildlife with the odor.

2- Since water supply is limited at a campsite or while hiking, you must carry baby wipes. These are the most pleasing and helpful of all toiletries you would carry. Also baby wipes are mostly biodegradable so dot worry about how to dispose them. A paper bag can be used to trash it

3- Carry thinner pads and tampoons:

Using the streamlined products will help you in packing more in quantity and also be helpful in disposing off too. Storage space is critical and you don’t want to fall short of the number of pads or tampoons you would need so better to opt for thinner and powerful absorbing pads

4- Bring lots of ziplocks:

Ziplocks will help in storing the used pads or tampoons effectively and trashing them is easier too. Freezer bags are even better for they are thick and they contain the odor too. You may also carry diaper trash bags too. These are full of pleasing fragrance and can be trashed easily

5- Use menstrual cups for heavy flow:

Using menstrual cups is easy and since they are reusable you would not need to carry many. You can also insert them even before periods to avoid the surprising leaks and spots. Dispose off the blood collected in 6-8 inch holes under ground

6- Use sea sponge, reusable pads made from flannel, and period underwear:

These are good options as they help in giving uninterrupted care and comfort

7- Use anti-inflammatories as you cant get the cramps distort your fun filled plans and routine. This also helps you in staying energized for the day’s activities.

8- Carry hot packs:

You may need them during nights or early mornings when you are at the camp site. This will comfort you and ease off the cramps too

9- Wear dark clothes as you don’t want to be embarrassed on the leaks and spots.

10- Do not sleep on cold floor rather carry your inflatable bedding this will comfort and prevent major cramps.

The above compilation on How to deal with your period while camping is to help you and your child in enjoying the summer camping experience in utmost fervor and stay off the discomforting and embarrassing thoughts for you are prepared for everything with the above tips.

Check campnavigator resources for more details on summer camps and special needs program.

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By Minu Manisha