How to choose a summer science camp program


When you choose a summer camp the first thing that comes to your mind is which category of summer camp to opt for. Most of the kids just love to explore and learn on STEM subjects. And then comes our extensive search for benefits of a science camp. What is a science camp and how to choose a summer science camp program for your kid.

Vast number of camp associations are bringing out their enriching and invigorating science technology, engineering and math related summer camps. The commitment and determination to make STEM a part of our global curriculum to enhance the potential of this vast stream. More we explore science and related fields more curious our kids would become.

What is a science camp:

What is a science campScience camps are more interactive and hands on programs which give children a chance to discover and invent newer ways into learning of the concepts, theories and practical details. Science camps provide alternative ways to learn more and more about science. It has an edge over the classroom science learning as there is no set curriculum, no deadline, no lectures and absolutely fun based learning.

Science is the world around us and beyond. It is the most critical study of our living and the possibilities it offers mesmerizes one. It has more and more individual elements which help in shaping our own understanding of the world and how life exists.

Since its a summer science camp, the entire schedule is designed in such a way that it lays emphasis on both physical and intellectual development. More and more fun based methodology is adopted to involve better and enriching results. They are invaluable as they bring on the spirit of discovery and inventions unlike school setting. More and more interactive ways are taken up so that the child experiences most practical training while learning some really fundamental concepts.

Why attend a science camp:

Why attend a science campThere are ample benefits of science camps for summers. Being from the era where technology and science make for just every part of our survival, it is important to get enriched with real life concepts in science. Mainly the kids who have a flair for STEM and special interests in science and world around us. The stimulation it can provide to their young minds is unimaginable and who knows these science summer camps make our little one become the next Newton or Einstein of their generation.

Benefits of Science camp:

Benefits of Science campAs a child attends the science summer camp, she learns to break free and start exploring the vast possibilities around us. Summer science camps are just not for introducing the basics of concepts. But its a more structures and more independent ways of learning for our kids. Some benefits of science camps are:

1- Summer science camps allow you to become innovative and creative unlike school teaching

2- They help in learning the current concepts which are popular and have vast opportunities around

3- They foster discovery and innovation which are the basic ingredients that make up for a scientific acumen

4- It helps the children in making a difference to the world around them

How to choose a summer science camp:

How to choose a summer science campPicking the right summer science camp for your child is very important to get all the benefits from it. A careful selection process must be adopted and make your child an important part of decision making. At the end its our children who would attend these camps and and will have to benefits. Their interest and choice is the most significant part part of selecting a summer science camp

1- Find your child’s areas of interest in STEM:

Sit down with you child and talk about the various areas in science, what inspires them and what is their most interesting pick for an elaborate study during summers. Also try and figure out the options available for summer science camps in your area, and then together discuss which ones are more interesting for your child

2- Search for summer science camps in your area:

This is very important as you must know the various themes of science summer camps are available in your area. Check campnavigator resources for its elaborate list of summer camps and special programs. Also check for their blend of activities like whats their balance for physical and intellectual activities in a day

3- Check the level of difficulty you want:

From age 5 until 18 there are ample science programs available. The level of difficulty is to be based on your child’s intellectual state and their academic progress. Also how comfortable they are in learning levels over their age.

4- Check the exposure each science camp provides in your area:

For older kids it is important to have some lectures and interactions with scientists and professors and for younger kids more and more group or project based learning must be there.

5- Check camp timings and cost:

Summer science camp must be such that it meets your needs for time and cost. Do not stretch your budget or time which are unsuitable for your or your child, this would not give the desired results from attending the camp.

6- Meet the camp directors and camp counselors:

It is very important that the camp counselors an camp directors are trained and and qualified to provide the kind of inspiration we are seeking. Discuss about the details and their own educational qualifications to know more.

7- Check for discounts at early bird registration:

If you find your right summer science program be sure to get the most discounts and benefits. Register early and in time to avail the cost benefits.

The above compilation on How to choose a summer science camp program is to help you find the most enriching and inspiring science program for your child. A science program must satiate the urge of young scientists and also stimulate more and more curiosity for them to explore further.

Check campnavigator resources for details.

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By Minu Manisha