How to choose the right ADHD summer camp for your child


ADHD is a very common behavior disorder among young children. And finding ADHD summer camps for your little ones is far more complicated than finding general summer programs. We have enlisted some tips on,” how to chose the right ADHD summer camp for your child” making it easier and resourceful for parents of ADHD children. ADHD affects almost 12% of children, and it is difficult for these children to connect with peers, make friends, participate in activities and behave appropriately. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD makes the child act without thinking. They have trouble in focussing on any activity and paying attention. These symptoms are long term and they affect a child’s ability to function socially, academically and even at home.

Symptoms of ADHD in children include:

Symptoms of ADHD1- Inattentive behavior:

Inattentive behavior

  • Trouble paying attention to the tasks given at school or at home
  • Difficulty in staying focused on activities or games as well
  • Difficulty in following instructions
  • Listening delays or problems
  • Problem in organizing
  • Irresponsible and carefree behavior, by losing personal belongings at school or home
  • Always distracted and day dreaming
  • Forgetful

2- Hyperactive behavior:

Hyperactive behavior

  • Fidgeting
  • Excessive running or climbing
  • Difficulty in sitting at one place
  • Always on the run
  • Problem in playing quietly
  • Excessive talking
  • Blurting out answers even before hearing full question
  • Difficulty in waiting for their chance
  • Problems with interrupting

3- Impulsive: Or the combination of the above two, which is most common type of ADHD.

ImpulsiveADHD is difficult to diagnose and even more difficult for parents to raise a child with ADHD. As it always appears that the child is constantly acting out. It is extremely difficult to control these kids without therapy or medicines.

[Read: List of board games in summer activities for kids]

A few questions that every parent with ADHD child have:

ADHD childThe treatment programs and ADHD summer camps have become a very resourceful and helpful way to help the child. There are ample questions that as a parent, we need to find answers to, before opting for an ADHD summer camp. Some of these questions are:

1- What kind of programs are available?

What kind of programs are availableSummer camps can be extremely enriching in terms development of social skills, cater to individual attention issues, help in increasing self awareness and learn new coping mechanisms.

2- Are the programs available at ADHD summer camps structured enough?

Since ADHD is a special behavioral disability, summer programs must be structured appropriately. This must help children in developing focus and attention. Some more team based activities must be involved so as to improve cooperation and flexibility of children.

3- Is the mix of sports, academics and social skills offered at the ADHD summer camp, optimal for your child?

The ADHD summer camp must have adequate activities and focus on all the 3 aspects; sports, academics and social skills. As these are the general areas where ADHD children face major problems. Also these programs must be designed keeping their skill-sets in mind.

4- Will camp counselors and helpers understand the child’s needs?

This is an extremely important doubt, that every parent has about ADHD summer camps. Counselors and helpers must be able to understand the needs of the ADHD child. They must have proper training and certifications in working with ADHD children. They must be able to keep their patience and give happy and conducive environment to the child. In no way can any of their attitude or behavior cause psychological or physical damage to the child.

5- Who will administer the child’s medications?

childs medicationsThe child needs proper care and medicines on-time. There has to be someone binding and abiding by the time and doses of medicines to be administered to the child on time, without delay. There must be a healthcare professional or para-medic on site 24 hours a day. A nurse practitioner must be taking care of medicines and other details of the children.

6- Are there ample psychological counsellors and psychiatrist?

ample psychological counsellorsA full time counselor or psychiatrist must be present to fine tune the medicines and behavior. Also monitoring of the child’s behavior, moods and health must be properly done.

7- What are the modes of communicating with your child while they are at camp?

This is true for all parents but for ADHD children, parents need even more elaborate mediums. It is critical for parents to check the child’s progress and observe for any damage to their ward’s already existing conditions. Do ask for references and contacts of other parents, which is insightful and inspiring.

8- Does the camp deliver on all the highlights it has marketed?

It is better to seek advices from parents of previous year attendees for those camps. Also check with camp organizers for more reviews as the child needs special care and enrichment, the ADHD summer camp can not take away the child’s happiness and mental health

9- Is the program fun-filled and enriching?

fun-filled and enriching programCheck the program details, and if necessary discuss them with the child’s pediatrician and therapist for more valuable information. The program must be developed in a way that makes the child happy and involved. Also it must help in overcoming some of the behavioral issues.

10- Is the camp location safe and within close proximity of medical emergency care?

This is important for any uncertainty which may abrupt during the course of the camp.

Quick tips of finding the perfect ADHD summer camp for your child:

perfect ADHD summer camp1-Use campnavigator listings for detailed information and elaborate reviews for special needs programs in your area
2- Check web portals and details available online
3- Talk to your friends and family
4- Seek help from local ADHD support groups
5- Discuss with your pediatrician
6- Contact public schools and therapeutic clinics for their specific programs, they help in showcasing deeper insights

Why these specific ADHD summer camps are successful and followed year on year:

ADHD summer camps are successful1- Because these ADHD summer camps focus on creating a routine which helps special children
2- They help in structured organization
3- They limit choices and help in finding connect with activities, people and work
4- Help in therapeutic treatment for your child
5- Help your child discover their talents and discipline in a subtle and comforting way.

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ADHD summer camps are a great way to help your child enjoy and enrich themselves with social, academic and emotional skills. ADHD can be combated with proper guidance and help from trained professionals. These programs are the best ways to help capture some of the most endearing times in your little ones life. With other kids in similar situation and trained experts, its is comparatively easy to develop individual skills.

choose the right ADHD CampThe above compilation on “How to choose the right ADHD summer camp for your child” is based on experiences and learning from our network. Check campnavigator for most comprehensive lists of summer camps, we are here to help you find your optimal fit. Enjoy progressing with your child through the summer enrichment curriculum with ADHD summer camps.

By Minu Manisha