How to deal with a difficult camper

Difficult camper

Being a camp counselor is the most interesting and yet challenging job for anyone. At all times you are required to be the role model and enforce inspiration and discipline. Being a guide and encouraging fellow campers is never easy. There will definitely be some campers or behavioral concerns which will make it difficult for a counsellor to stay calm.

But a camp counselor has to be patient and stay calm at all times. Even when there are exaggerated situations, be sure not to lose temper. Right way for handling such difficult camper behavior is to lay out all rules clearly to parents and to campers. Be sure to have a step by step redressal mechanism for all such situations and never deprive any camper of food, safety and space given any situation

How to set up inter group dynamics first:

To begin with, “how to deal with a difficult camper” there must be inter group dynamics set up even before the day 1. These would ensure the campers bond and gel with each other in a calm and stimulating environment. This is necessary to have the group mix well, make friends and also share good rapport with counselor and fellow campers. This also helps in laying the ground rules easily and effectively in a understanding environment.

1- Get to know your campers by name and details:

Get to know your campers by name and detailsIt is very important for a camp counselor to know everyone by name and also read through the details in their registration forms even before the day 1 of the summer camp. Knowing your team before hand helps you to plan ahead for probabilities that might come up. Say a camper needs some special assistance or someone is emotionally upset. It is better to do the homework than to struggle at the Nth hour

2- Bring the routine from day 1:

If a counselor wants to make the rules clear and set the tone right, begin the routine from day 1 itself. The more campers get to settle in schedule the better it is to handle any behavior issues. Rather there are less chances of major behavioral issues if the mood is set right

3- Be their friend and keep directions simple:

Being a camp counselor doesn’t mean you must keep bossing around. Keep the directions simple and allow campers to feel happy in following them and not stressed. Be a friend and influence right behavior rather than warning them

4- Influence them by not taking away their moments of fun but by being a part in first:

If as a counselor you find a camper indulging in activities like watching or listening to music in the time of activity, not eating or talking to parents on phone in hours of activity. Just be polite and join them first. Then with them , enjoy the activities first and then share its time for more fun and lets go join the scheduled activity for this time. Be an influence rather than being rude

5- Turn negatives into positives:

Whatever the camper does wrong, don’t begin judging instantly. If they do anything negative make it work out as positive and then try to influence them to correct on their own.

6- Keep check on bullying:

At no point any fellow camper or counselor can indulge into bullying. Even if the person is showing disruptive behavior, you must never bully or make fun of them

7- No sarcasm:

If anything else doesn’t work, don’t resort to sarcasm. There must be no place for sarcasm as it wont fetch good behavior rather it will make the behavior from bad to worse

8- Less is more when it comes to correcting them:

Less is more when it comes to correcting themIf at all you have to be strict, just say one or two lines and dont over do it. Less is more when it comes to discipline.

9- Use triple play by making groups of inactive camper with an active friendly one:

If any camper is found not to enjoy or stay off the regular activities, adopt triple play. Make groups of such campers with very positive and active campers, who may be friends with them. And then give tasks and activities.

10- Encourage campers to show empathy and gratitude:

All campers must show empathy and gratitude to fellows and counselors. For they must never take anything for granted. Being well behaved makes staying together easier and more fun.

Sensitive issues at camps and how to handle them:

There would be ample instances when you see sensitive issues and which need a proper treatment. At no time can a camper safety be in jeopardy. Keeping the daily needs of food, sleep and safe space intact, a counselor must enforce the below:

1- If a camper shares anything be understanding. The campers may think of you as a role model so being a friend and guide will help them share how they feel

2- Why is the camper sharing only with you because they find a friend and guide. There maybe more counselors but if a camper shares with you means he or she feels you are right. They think of you as a friend and be their inspiration

3- Dont be judgmental. Whatever the case be, do not judge any camper. Try to find solutions and resolve rather than judging anyone

4- Try to find more details to the facts laid down, but in secrecy. A camper may have told his side of story, being a good counselor try and dig through to find the entire details before concludingTry to find more details

5- Radical acceptance:

Try not to show ignorance or counter attack campers. A psychologically driven radical acceptance is more powerful at all times.

6- Find conflict details and try to resolve:

Find the causes and details of a conflict and then try to resolve. If possible at your own end, but be sure to fill up incident report and seek help if need be.

7- Pacify and lend a helping hand rather than rebuking:

There must be more of understanding and discussing than punishing. At first try to resolve the conflict by speaking with the two conflicting parties and sitting them down to discus and find peace

When to seek help:

Some issues need external help too. And some may be even more serious calling for parental interventions. Some such situations are:

1- When a camper is harming self

2- When someone’s attitude is suicidal or at least in words

3- Some serious medical or health issues

4- Sexual assaults by campers

5- Physical fights and hitting each other badly

6- Stealing and repeating even after repeated reminders

When to seek helpHow to discipline a camper and handle their unruly behavior:

1- First try to listen, stay calm and cool

2- Try and be polite enough to tell the behavior is not acceptable, avoid lecturing

3- Give a warning if repeated, be affirmative

4- Try camper re-integration after disciplinary discussion

5- If the behavior continues have camp director intervention and parental if need be

Basic steps for camper behavior management:

All camps have a behavior management policy. It is thus important to make the parents and camper aware of them all.

1- Lay down the rules and discuss details with parents and campers

2- Share consequences:

  • Quiet time for a minor issue
  • Restriction from participation in activity for repeated behavior
  • More restrictions if repeated again and again
  • Discussion with camp director for serious issues
  • Conference with parent and camp director for severe behaviors
  • Removal from camp if found harmful for self or others health

3- Enforce all rules at all times

4- Inform camp director of all behavioral issues

5- Fill incident form whenever restriction from activity is enforced for any camper

6- No assault, deprivation from food, sleep or leaving alone and shaming; or any other such punishment can occur at any time

7- Evaluation of the program at every stage is necessary

The above compilation on How to deal with a difficult camper is to help camp counselors and parents be prepared for the behavior management approaches adopted by camps. It is important to first try and resolve by inspiring right attitude and behavior and for more serious situations more help may be needed. As keeping safety and health of all campers is the top priority of all summer camps.

Check campnavigator resources for more insights into summer camps and special programs. Share ahead and keep writing us , we love hearing from you!

By Minu Manisha