How to get kids excited about camp

kids excited about camp

Summer is already here, and its time for the fun filled summer camp. But wait! Are you kids camp ready yet. We may have selected the best summer camp for them, packed everything they would need and organized their stay in utmost enriching ways possible but have they started thinking about being at the summer camp. Are they really excited about attending the summer camp. Well we have something on how to get kids excited about camp. This will sure help your little ones begin exploring more dimensions to summer camp.

Steps to get kids excited for camping:

As parents we must try and enthuse our kids to the upcoming camps. This will enable them to get adjusted very soon and do no face many issues related to homesickness. Children usually get anxious as the summer camp comes closer. They have their inhibitions and curiosities which are natural and bound to happen.

As parents we must try and make this transition from home to summer camp site, as smooth as possible. Some of the steps to get kids excited for camping are:

1- Involve them at choosing stage:

The children must be a part of the choosing of summer camp too. They must get a chance to pick their choice of camp. When kids themselves are choosing a summer camp or themselves they would be more and more excited about it. Also it brings a sense of responsibility to them too. They feel like taking charge of their own self, which again brings zeal and courage to them. Be sure to check the summer camp details for choosing the right one for your child.

2- Do not force or pressurize:

Even if your child is quiet and does not make decisions still try and make him or her decide. The more you put pressure the worse it gets for the summer camp. We as parents may like something about a camp so push it but its not necessary that our kids also like it. Helicopter parenting or forcing does not help making an individual taking charge of their life.Do not force

3- Find friends:

The more you find friends or known face at the upcoming summer camp, the easier it becomes for your kids. If you have your child attending with their most beloved friends from school, this in itself would be ever exciting for kids to attend the summer camp. Try to get in touch with fellow parents too, this will help in understanding the strategies adopted by others for making their kids be happy and zealous about the upcoming camp

4- Let you kids shop for themselves:

Nothing is as exciting as being able to shop your stuff at our kids age. Let them choose the tees or PJs they would want to carry along at their summer camp. Also get them some summer camp special wardrobe too, let them pick their styles and colors. This will not only enable happiness but also prepare the kids mentally by letting them imagine wearing those outfits at the summer camp

5- Show enthusiasm:

You must also show excitement and enthusiasm as this will help your child also enjoy the idea of attending a summer camp. The more positive and lively is the environment at home the better exciting it gets for your kids. Share stories from your camp days and make them believe how much fun this would bring. Also how important it is to be able to take charge at this point and the beautiful memories they will build.Show enthusiasm

6- Make packing an enjoyable affair:

Let your kids pack their essentials for summer camp. Involve more and more creative ways to stuff the items so that kids are happy and looking forward to the summer camp experience. Be sure to include many items which are exciting and the kids would love it for them to be along with them, at the summer camp

7- Meet the camp counselors ahead of the camp:

Meeting camp counselors helps in ice breaking and the more our kids get used to them the better they will enjoy at the summer camp. These camp counselors are trained to inspire and enthuse kids. And when the kids start perceiving them as their role models, the actual fun begins

8- Do not share too many instructions:

Don’t give too many instructions, about safety and health while at summer camp. Let them be normal and just give them a few pointers. As the more you discuss the more anxious they get.

9- Keep the element of surprise to bare minimum:

It is always better to discuss everything on time. Regarding how camps work and what activities or games would be played there. And the meals, sleeping and other routine which would be followed. The more details the child knows, the better it is for them to figure out when alone at summer camp.

10- Be supportive:

It is very important to support your kids to be what they want to. Do not ignore their needs and desires when they are just about to leave for a summer camp. Show them how important it is for you that they stay happy and charged.Be supportive

The above compilation on How to get kids excited about camp is to help all parents in making the transition to a summer camp as smooth and enriching as possible. The kids must be ecstatic and happy to be able to attend the summer camp. They must show enthusiasm and zeal for attending the summer camp. This will help in overcoming their homesickness and make them adjusted quickly.

Check campnavigator resources for more details and insights into summer camps and special needs programs.

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By Minu Manisha