15 Tips on keeping your kids safe at summer camp

summer camp safety

Summer camp is all about fun and frolic, and we all have been, there done that. Loved every bit of being your own self and exploring within and around, with like minded group is what makes summer incredible for most of us. But being parents, we must ensure some standard safety norms for our little ones. Keeping your kids safe at summer camp and also heat wave safety tips must be properly read and followed

Temperatures during summers may go over 90F and while the kids are enjoying their camp experiences, they may forget keeping hydrated and also wearing proper attire. Thus we must keep all of these summer camp safety measures in place ahead of this all. The more prepared is your child, the better healthy and safe he or she will be at the summer camp.

Some points on keeping your kids safe at summer camp:

kids safe at summer campWhen it comes to safety we must leave no stone unturned in informing the camp counselors on complying to the safety standards the way we maintain at home. Children only get enriched if they are healthy, safe and happy. Without maintaining proper safety rules, no summer camp can establish. Be sure to check the below safety tips for kids at summer camp:

1- Stay hydrated:

Children must drink plenty of water and clear fluids to keep themselves hydrated during summers. Also the camp counselors must make sure they are not dehydrated. Avoid heat exhaustion and keep yourself away from direct sunlight

2- Sun protection:

Wear adequate sun screen to clock the UV rays from tanning the skin. Also wear shades, hat and other sun protection gears. Cover your head properly when ever out in sun.Sun protection

3- Heat protection:

Children must not go out in heat wave alerts, and the camp site must comply to all of these standards. Children must carry ample clothes which prevent heat on their skin. Wear cotton fabrics and fully covered to prevent scorching heat on the body

4- Bug repellants:

Insects and bugs can be a concern during hot summer months. A good natural and deet free insect repellant must be sent with the kids to apply regularly at the summer camp. This will prevent any poisonous sting and prevent complications too

5- Beware of poison Ivy:

Children must know this poisonous plant which induces rashes in kids. Keep washing hands and legs whenever they come back from outdoors

6- Maintain proper hygiene:

Take shower daily and keep surroundings cleans. Change before going to bed, and keep washing hands at least 6 8 times a day.

7- Prepare the kids to overcome homesickness:

Though it is normal to be homesick but you can ease the kids by preparing them for the upcoming summer camp. The more they are aware and prepared the lesser they will be homesick.

8- Up to date immunizations:

All campers must have up to date vaccinations. And camp directors must check the schedule of each kid to prevent any critical illness at the camp locations

9- Aquatic safety:

Each camp site must have a lifeguard all the time at pools and water recreation facilities. Water safety is very important as young kids often get adventurous to head out for surrounding lakes and ponds. There must be well trained lifeguards and coaches at all times.Aquatic safety

10- Camp accreditations:

The summer camp must be accredited by ACA. This ensures meeting of safety standards and also all critical parameters of food, lodging, urgent care and other facilities are in place

11- Training of camp counselors:

It is very important to check for the training certificates of camp counselors for ensuring their maturity and skills. A camp counselor if properly trained can be a better aid and companion than an untrained one which can pose a threat to the children’s safety too

12- Medical staff:

healthcare preparedness and CPR training is a must for at least 2 or more people at the camp site. Also check for the nearest hospital for emergency care

13- Inform health and allergies of kids in advance:

Inform all details about health and allergies your child may have. To prevent any undue reaction from consuming the foods which trigger allergies in your child.

14- Camper to counselor ratio:

Camper to counselor ratio must be within the set standards of ACA. Every counselor must be trained well to handle the number of kids allotted to them

15- Check the discipline mechanism:

grievance and behavioral management mechanism must be checked and must not be harsh or punitive. There must be some counseling sessions set up for grievance or disciplinary actions.Check the discipline mechanism

Summer heat safety tips for kids:

Heat exposure may be dangerous and cause a lot of harm to children’s health. If proper care is not taken then heat can even bring in fatal consequences. Some of the summer heat safety tips for kids include:

  • Avoid going out during hottest hours from 10 am to 2 pm.
  • If at all they have to go out then cover their head, wear hats and shades
  • Dress lightly and wear breathable fabrics specially at night
  • Drink plenty of liquids specially water, infuse lemon or orange juice too to develop more and more immunity in kids
  • Keep the room blinds covered for al rooms
  • Keep AC switched on whenever indoors
  • Take shower at least twice a day in harsh summers
  • Seek immediate medical care for any signs of fever, nausea, dizziness and vomits

The above compilation on 15 Tips on keeping your kids safe at summer camp is to help you plan your child’s get away at summer camp in utmost safe and enriching ways. Be sure to check for the camp site details on safety and urgent medical care. A child must be prepared to inform the camp counselors whenever he or she feels hot. They must also be trained to drink plenty of water by themselves in a day

Check more details on summer camps and special needs programs at campnavigator resources. Be sure to share ahead and write us your feedbacks too, we love hearing from you!

By Minu Manisha