Summer nursing camps for high school students

medical summer camps

Thinking about a career in medicine, and willing to take up extra courses this summer. Well! We have a list of beneficial programs and nursing camps for high school students to help them learn the intricacies of medicine and also decide their career path too. These experiences will get you rolling to the medical path you have opted for your career. Also these medical summer camps for high school students bring the most detailed and practical aspects of this field, which helps the students understand whether this filed if suitable for them and the vast options in these.

Why choosing summer nursing camps for high school students:

The summer nursing camps not only prepare high school kids to become competent and adopt safer ways to care but also help in applying clinical thinking, therapeutic communication and legal/ ethical skills to the area of medicine. Some benefits of nursing summer camps include:Why choosing summer nursing camps

1- Interactive learning opportunities:

There is hands-on learning including classroom training to clinical simulation labs and interaction with medical staff and patients too. There are even more benefits in terms high school students get to be a part of the actual medical setting and learn the details from partitioning professionals.

2- Helps in boosting self-confidence:

High school students get to work in most detailed environments and thus it enhances their self-confidence in the area of medicine. Their transition from school to medical college is easier and smooth with utmost preparation already done

3- Helps in encouraging professionalism:

High school students learn the discipline and professionalism of nursing field. Their experiences are far better in terms they get to know the upcoming career and life ahead in utmost real ways.

4- Helps in choosing specialization:

When the high school kids are exposed to nursing summer camps, their knowledge and experience helps in understanding the vast areas open within, and how they can choose a specialization which is in sync with their learning and interest

5- Medicine summer camps help in preparing ahead:

Even before entering the medical school the kids get to learn details and intricacies of the profession. There are several programs which even offer credits towards college too, and this helps these kids learn the details before time.

6- A real experience of medical school:

High school,students get to live life of medical students, and they experience some minute details of how life at nursing or medical school would be. This helps in preparing them well for the upcoming transitions ahead.

7- Learn about majors:

This tete-et-tete with medical school helps in formulating their majors too. High school students may even start preparing towards their major even before joining medical school. This gives them the advantage of awareness on several important aspects of their preferred career choice.

8- Devise a plan:

When these high school students join nursing summer camps they start building a plan for how they would pursue their career path and the daily learning chart too. While at the summer camp they almost get to live the life of a medical grad, and they learn to make a schedule and stick with it too. This will help them greatly at medical school.

Medical summer camps for high school students:

Medical summer camps for high school studentsHands on experience in non research based medical aspects, learning simple medical procedures, watching surgeries, shadowing doctors, working in hospitals, interacting with doctors, patients and more. Some of these medical programs for summer include:

1- High school senior summer internship program at Cincinnati children’s hospital and medical center. It is an wight week program with 20 hours per week with a mentor in medical facilities. It is a paid part time internship program for graduating high school students only. They offer exposure on careers in medical and clinical research. Each camper has unique experiences in visiting NICU, OR, ER and more facilities.

2- Medical immersion summer academy mentoring in medical and science in Oakland CA: A 4 week full time program where participants are immersed into direct observation, with mentors in patient care settings, interact with health professionals from all over, daily seminars and skill development programs. In addition to clinical settings the participants are exposed to prevention and management of health issues disproportionately. One to one career advice’s, life coaching and field trips make it a worthy experience

3- Stanford medical youth science program at Stanford CA: A 5 week residential enrichment program focused on science and medicine that is open to low income and minorities too. Open to Graduating, sophomores and juniors living in northern and central CA. This program bolsters student’s science skills while introducing them to host of health related careers. A full time staff of 10 undergrad Stanford students direct the program and stay with the participants. They follow both mentoring and team approach in learning.

4- UPenn medicine summer program for high school students at University of PA: A unique 4 week long summer medical program for highly inspired high school juniors and seniors. Guided by Pen medical faculty and students it helps in exploring the details of medical career. Lecture, demonstrations, labs, discussions and simulations with hands-on sessions to expose to the system and intricacies of modern medicine

5- Medicine and health care program by National students leadership council at various universities throughout US. It helps perform clinical rounds, learn diagnosis and surgical techniques and participate in treatment while solving the mystery of a fatal outbreak. Teams grapple with controversial medical issues, and learn about today’s health challenges and explore advanced scientific areas like HIV/ AIDS.


The above compilation on Summer nursing camps for high school students is to help all the aspiring medical and nursing professionals to utilize their summers with some of the most enriching programs which will help them choose their career path ahead. And also bring them to the detailed learning of their chosen path.

Check campnavigator resources for more details. Share ahead and keep writing us, we love hearing from you!

By Minu Manisha