Summer time is all fun and frolic, be it at home or at summer camp location. When the schools are shut and the kids have ample vacation to enjoy some quality time with immense learning; you as parents must look into picking the right summer camp. Religious summer camps are not just to learn the scriptures but to have the faith and belief become a part of you. Christian summer camps aim at bringing in the power of love and belief in Almighty to the lives of children. To be able to connect with Jesus and his power of love, is the utmost eternal truth. And summer bible camps aim at bringing in the divinity and auspice of Jesus, along with preaching and teachings which truly help in making you a better version of self. Bible helps in bringing the joys of life in its purest of ways, it is the panacea for all your sufferings and while kids learn about Bible and the teachings of Jesus; they also learn the importance of telling the truth, being kind to others, respecting elders and never abusing anyone.
Why are summer Church camps important:

Summer Church camps are truly the most incredible experience for anyone. Loving Almighty and loving every creation of God over and above your own self, is what connects you with Almighty. The children who learn about the power of Jesus and love for Almighty from early on, are truly the happiest and most disciplined kids. Some reasons why you must put your child to Summer Bible Camps:
1- Bible is the word of God, the absolute truth that binds us from within and outside. Trust in God and He is the answer to all your situations. This is extremely important for children, as their conscience and faith needs to be oriented.
2- Bible suffices and accomplishes all our needs. God promises and fulfills all what we need from pure heart. Thus Bible and Christian summer camps are just the right experience for helping you to lead your path with utmost trust and faith
3- Bible and the word of God would help in making the children aware of whats right and whats not.
4- Bible contains life changing messages and excerpts. It helps in freeing the mind, body and soul also connects you with the Lord Almighty.
5- All the hatred, negative feelings, jealousy and enviousness must be curbed and only way you can do it is by connecting with God
[Read: Traditional summer camp activities]
Top Christian summer camps in US:
Find out some of the most interesting and pleasing Church summer camps which are sure to bring enrichment for your kids:
1- Kanakuk camps:

Kanakuk camps have their locations in MO and CO. They are an incredible experience for 7-18 year old children. From sport to teachings of the Lord, Kanakuk camps have been pioneering the Christian summer camps from 1926.
2- Camp Victory:

Camp Victory located in Zumbro falls, MN is running successful camps from 1943 and includes adventure and fun along with religious learning. From paintballing, canoeing, fishing and BB air rifle range, it aims at grooming every camper to walk with Christ. Children learn core values to apply to their faith in Christ. This camp aims at bringing life long spiritual growth to the kids
3- Kidder creek:

Based out of Etna, CA this Kidder creek summer camp is for everyone from primary, junior and high school kids. They include a perfect blend of fun and religion; with horseback riding, river rafting and rock climbing to learning about the virtues that would make them a better person. Their main focus is to make the campers aware they are special to God through their captivating program
4- T Bar M Camp:

Based out of TX this camp is all about adventure with purpose. From sport to art and also the values of religion and healing benefits of nature; this camp has it all. Their program aims at bringing about Gods unconditional love for everyone through the preaching’s from Bible.
5- Living waters Bible camp:

Located in WI, this summer camp is a scenic year round Christian camp. This camp is committed to salvation through Jesus Christ. It aims at making everyone complete in Christ, glorify the word of Lord and develop meaningful relationship with Almighty. Serving families from 1970 this summer camp helps in breaking away from everyday lives and bring individuals and families closer to God
Religious summer camps are truly the most enriching way to bring about faith and belief in kids also helping them in connecting with God and with self.
Check campnavigator resources for more details and updates on summer camps and special needs programs.
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