Soccer summer camps for teens in Iowa

University of Iowa

University of Iowa women’s soccer team’s annual summer camps the Elite Skills Camp and the Hawkeye Summer Camps have opened up registrations. Both the camps that have different schedules are directed by head coach Ron Rainey. An ideal opportunity to vibe with the top professionals of the game. The four day coaching camp would be held at the country’s finest soccer facilities.

The first on is the Hawkeye Summer Camp conducted in two schedules. The June schedule would be between 3-7, while the July one between 14-17. Camps would be held at the Iowa Soccer Complex. Girls and boys who are in the age groups 5-18 years of age are eligible for the training. The camp highlights are technical development stations, team and tactical training and match-related activities. In addition to the regular training, campers can take home a souvenir of camp T-shirt and camp soccer ball.

The other one is the Elite Skills Camp for Girls of ages 10-18 and boys of 10-14 groups. It is conducted between July 14-17. The camp mainly deals with the player’s capability of handling a challenging and complex curriculum. It will be held at the Iowa Soccer Complex and Hawkeye Tennis and Recreation Center.