10 Specialized Summer Camps for Kids

specialized summer camps for kids

Summer is here and its already soaring temperatures. Most of our kids have already gone off or are just about to leave for their summer camps for this year. For kids with special needs it may not be easy to find a summer camp as their respective needs makes it tough for the parents. Worry not, as campnavigator resources bring out an elaborate list of some special needs summer camps for children

There is absolutely nothing that can be a hurdle in picking the right and specialized summer camp for your child, and with accreditations and legacy behind, we can relax that these are the safest and most stimulating experience for our little ones. Onsite medical staff, trained professionals and more care aspects to make the experience for your kid an absolutely wonderful one.

Specialized summer camps for kids with special needs:

There are some marvelous special needs summer camps for children, which are not only fun but also a lot more relaxing and encouraging for special kids. The camp structure is so designed that it instills self-esteem and self-confidence in them which is lacking for most. Some of such camps are:

1- Miracle league:

Miracle league is an international organization which serves over 2million children and adults with disabilities and special needs. Their main agenda is to make baseball accessible to people with all abilities. Miracle league fields are fully accessible to wheeled chairs and each player is paired with a non-disability volunteer. Every player gets fair chance to participate as the rules are suited to their abilities. Over 250 miracle leagues are in North America and Australia.

2- Friendship circle:

Friendship circle in MI has options of social skills day camps, overnight camps, baseball through miracle league and also lose the training wheels program to learn bike riding without training wheels. There are various programs where kids either have one volunteer for entire group or one volunteer each kid, depending upon the kind of program. They have over 83 locations worldwide.

Friendship circle3- National ability centre:

National ability centre in Park City UT, has year round day and overnight camps for youth with physical disabilities cognitive disabilities and autism. Recreational, competitive and team building programs are available in a range of sport activities like cycling, water sports, archery, snowboarding, snow shoeing, skiing, sled hockey, adventure learning, climbing, equestrian sports and more.

4- Burn Camp:

The Arthur luf children’s burn camp in Union CT is for children with burn injuries. All camp counselors are volunteers, many of whom are active or retired firefighters or medical personnel trained in treating burns. It includes campfire, sing alongs, archery, boating, fishing, hiking, and rope course

5- Camp Huntington:

An overnight camp for aged 6-11, camp Huntington is in High Falls NY. Children with ADHD, learning disabilities, autism and developmental delay or disability get enriched and also undergo adaptive therapeutic recreation with academic instruction based on each campers goals.

6- Camp Ramapo:

Ramapo for children in Rhinebeck, NY has an incluive environment for every camper. Each camper has a counselor with them. Aged 6-16 kids enjoy traditional camping activities with more fun and thrill. Sport, art, music and more make this an all-inclusive camping experience for the kids

7- Camp LeeMar:

Camp LeeMar in Lackawaxen PA, adds speech therapy, swim instruction, vocational training, academic instruction and therapeutic arts to the usual menu of camp activities. Its a 7 week residential camp for children with mild to moderate developmental disabilities and learning delay

Camp LeeMar8- Talisman Programs:

Talisman Program in NC are for children and teens with ADHD, Aspergers syndrome, autism, learning disabilities and their special attention is on daily routine, nutrition and life skills for kids. These overnight camps are campus based or adventure based and all programs are multi-sensory.

9- Camp Greentop:

Camp Greentop is located in Catoctin national park near Maryland. It has a legacy of over 80 years and there are structured day and overnight camps focussing on providing comfort and recreation to children with special needs. Their activities include canoeing, horseback riding, swimming, campfire sing alongs.

10- No Limits:

Camp No limits has 7 locations among 7 different states in all over US. Including Maine, Arizona, Idaho, Florida, Missouri, Maryland and California. These camps are for children with limb loss and for their families to encourage and bring their spirits back. Families here learn about prosthetics and adaptive equipment while participating in art, music, sport, recreational activities and therapy.

Benefits of specialized summer camps:

specialized summer campsSpecialized summer camps for children with special needs are not only a wonderful way for these children to unwind but also get some inspiration to feel empowered. Some more benefits include:

  1. Helps in developing social skills at an altogether different level
  2. Summer camps for special needs children are more focussed towards providing a normal and routine enrichment program for these kids covering for their inability to attend a regular camp during summer
  3. Safe and considerate about the needs of all the kids
  4. Physical fitness and opportunity for workouts to all children despite their ability
  5. Progressive on an year-to-year basis as every year child gets to learn over and above the last years and this enables progress further

Physical fitnessThe above compilation on 10 Specialized summer camps for kids, is to help all parents explore these wonderful opportunities for their kids with special needs. As these are not just any summer camp but a more focussed and structured program tailored to meet the needs of your kids.

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Minu Manisha