10 Tips for first time camp counselors

First time camp counselors

Get ready for the most awesome experience of your life, the job of camp counselor surely entails all of it and much more. Be a leader, a guide and an inspiration along with ample fun and frolic, thats how the life of a camp counselor is. For the little things to keep your charm and spunk alive, be sure to read through our tips for first time camp counselors. You may just have grabbed your most incredible chance to show your mettle

First time camp counselor advice and tips are based on experiences shared by counselors over the years. These are the most successful and tried and tested tips, which have worked wonderfully for most. Be sure to keep yourself optimistic and charged, for the summer time is set to bring in memories and learning for lifetime.

10 Tips for first time camp counselors:

As a camp counselor you are idolized by the campers, for them you are the inspiration and role model who can do it all and have it all. You as a camp counselor, will not just be a guide but also a great friend and help too. Some tips for camp counselor include:Tips for first time camp counselors

1- Make way for thrilling ice breakers:

This first major hick for any camp counselor is to break the ice and let the ball rolling. Most campers may be first timers and may not be open to participate yet. Or they still are homesick and worried. For them to rise above it all, and find collaborations and friendships within the group, it is important to set up enthralling and amazing ice breakers. Be sure to include more team related ice breakers for first day to get the much needed team bonding. Then everyday keep continuing with more of such fun activities.

[Read: Summer camp counselor age]

2- Keep the focus on:

Kids get drifted away too quickly and they are low on attention and focus. So it is important to build up on their focus and concentration. Keeping the interest level high, involve more nad more ways to make any task appealing and attractive. If it is just cleaning their beds and space, then make it a rewarding and fun activity. The one who does it first gets some treat or appreciation.

3- Keep a check on weather updates:

Wearing sunscreen, rain jackets and insect repellents must be your top priority for all campers health and safety. Be sure to never let them suffer because of these vital facts which being a camp counselor you must know. This will ensure smoother progress for the course of the summer camp.

4- Grab opportunities:

There will be ample clues to grab the opportunity which can bring interest and attention of the campers for the day’s schedule. Just be sure to grab these quickly. As a camp counselor you must never leave any important fact or detail which may help in more fun-filled and enriching camp activities

5- Keep yourself appealing and busy:

Do not indulge in too much free time for yourself. Stay appealing by upping all the activities and events, and keeping yourself immersed in the day’s plan. The camp counselor who shows themselves busy and thoroughly into the summer camp, are the most friendly and successful ones. Be sure to take your breaks in most optimal waysKeep yourself appealing and busy

6- Set up a reward system:

Kids just love rewards and treats, so to make the most of it all have a reward system in place. The more kids like the rewards the better they will perform and enjoy at the summer camp. And this exactly is the idea behind summer camp counselors

7- Learn the itinerary by heart:

A days activities and events must be learnt by heart even before the summer camp begins. Be sure to never miss any important event and never delay any camper. These things may cause you to suffer in areas like love and appreciation by a fellow camper for you.

8- Discipline is a must:

Have a grievance redressal mechanism and enforce discipline at all times. No ways can the health and safety of any camper be jeopardized ever. Being a goos camp counselor you must keep up the discipline process and share a great camaraderie with everyone

9- Learn to make one to one associations too:

Be it fellow campers or counselors or even staff you must share a great rapport with everyone. Learn to collaborate s the more you team up the easier and fun the camp experience becomes

10- Set the most accurate example:

To be able to set a great example you must be proactive and be able to do everything you have to train and teach the campers. This requires a lot of home work from your end even before the summer camp begins. Be sure to keep up your patience and smile always

[Read: how to be a camp counselor]

Set the most accurate exampleThe details on first time camp counselor advice must be read and followed throughly as you can get the best out of your summer experience by adhering to these. Make the summer camp counselor role a fun filled, energizing and driving one for your personal and professional growth too,

Check campnavigator resources for more details. Share ahead and keep writing us , we love hearing from you!

By Minu Manisha