10 Tips to prepare first time overnight campers


With summer coming along, all our plans for making it an enriching experience for our kids starts creeping in. We all wish for the best experiences and enrichments for our little ones. There is nothing more delighting than seeing our kids packing for sleepaway camp. But the challenges with first time overnight summer camp are immense. Here are some tips to prepare for first time overnight summer camp with utmost ease.

Tips to prepare first time overnight campers:

Overnight summer camps are super exciting and fun for all kids. But there may be a few challenges in making them adjusted well. Sending our kids to a summer camp is the best thing we can do as parents which will help them become independent kids. Overnight summer camps also bring a lot of self-confidence and resilience to the kids too. Some tips to prepare the first time overnight campers include:

1- Take the kids for shopping:

Let the kids shop and pick their own stuff. This gives a lot of self-confidance and encouragmenet to them. Handpicked toiletries, clothes and camp care items not just help in adding zeal but also prepare the kids for the upcoming fun in most conducive of ways. Kids love behaving as adults and when they are given charge to shop for their own summer camp needs, they feel energized in a positive way.Take the kids for shopping

2- Try sleepovers with friends:

Sleepovers are truly memorable ane exciting. For first time overnight campers, it is improtant to be able to sleep away from home and parents. And when they are used to sleepovers and staying away from home, it becomes easy. Sleepovers can be just trial run for their upcoming summer camps too. For the kids who are heading for an overnight camp first time, parents should organize a couple of sleepovers. Try to have a few of the kids who would join the same overnight summer camp if possible.Try sleepovers with friends

3- Let the kids get invloved in packing too:

Making kids a part of all the packing and preparation helps them in taking ownership and this instils a lot of self-confidence in them. Packing is also an activity which prepares them mentally. When they put an item to be used at overnight summer camp they start dreaming about it. This excites and enthuses them a lot which is great beginning for the time away from home. Labelling, arranging, packing and organizing can be fun if kids and parents do it all together. Let the kids take an upper hand and be their guide all through

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4- Discuss amazing details about summer camps:

Begin sharing all funfilled and cool stories about summer camps, and the times you enjoyed at camp as a kid. Exclude all scary and not so great stuff, only the good and happy parts must be discussed well. Thoguh kids must know how the overnight summer camps work but avoid unnecessary details. These only cause unnecessary pressure.

5- Align their expectations:

It is good to share bits and pieces of all the experiences they will encounter. Also align their expectations in terms they must not expect too much or too little. Camp experiences are unmatched but they can not be compared to home. Its good to be honest but do not disclose too much. Try and talk to your children about how they can cope up with homesickness, but do not scare them by giving too much information. Let happy surprises unfold their own course. Kids should know that camp counselors, camp directors and other staff are there to help and support them. And they must know in any case if they have a problem how they must contact and whom they must talk to.Align their expectations

6- Don’t forget to send love from home:

Sending small notes, surprise gifts and pictures to remind them of the immense love and wishes from home is a great way to help kids cope up with homesickness. Thse notes can be hidden in their packing and whenthe kids open them at their summer camp it will bring smile to them.

7- Do not lie:

This is a very important tip. As kids can get nervous and upset when they feel they were lied to. Its not just dropping them off at the overnight summer camp but more about giving them the right experiences. Making false promises will not just add on to the challenges they face at the camp but also make them believe the summer camps are never great. Also tell them how their experiences matter and you would not push them for any thing if they dislike. The kids must find their push bags and rely upon you to be able to feel the need to stay away at summer camps

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8- A short goodbye is the key:

Jump start the summer camp with a short goodbye at camp site. Do not elaborate it as this will add further to the tension. Kids must be left at drop off in less than a few minutes. Don’t make it tearful goodbye. The more you hug or cry the tougher it gets for the kids to go ahead. So keep it short and simpleA short goodbye is the key

9- Make a checklist for your kids:

It is great to make a checklist before hand so that kida re prepared fully. Missing an item or not finding ther ight things at right time can cause unnecessary hicks for the kids while they are at summer camp site. So keep a chekclist, or allow kids to be a part of preparing the checklist too.

10- Organize stuff in easiest ways possible:

Keep a days items in one set, say from morning needs till night whatever they would require in terms clothes snacks and all must be packed together. Mark day 1 day 2 day 3 on the small packs you make for the day. Put extra socks, underwears, toiletries specially toothbrishes. Kids must not miss anything necessary.Organize stuff in easiest ways possible

It is very important to prepare and plan ahead for a first time overnight summer camp. The more kids are aware the better chances they will adjust well. Keep them always in faith, that you are just a call away and all the counselors and staff members are there to help them in anywhich way. Also try and make friends with fellow campers before hand so that they find familiar faces ta their first ever sleepaway camp.

Check campnavigator resources for more details on summer camps and special needs programs. Share ahead and keep writing us, we love hearing from you!

By Minu Manisha