Top 10 confessions of a first time camp mom

first time camp mom

Ready to send off your ward to the upcoming summer camp, well as we all know the first time camp moms would be a little more anxious and worried. So we share some amazing and wonderful top 10 confessions of a first time camp mom to share experiences and prepare you further.

Sending a child to summer camp is never easy for a mom. Be it first time or repeat, but the anxiety and worry stays the same. Also the myths surrounding the same, make it even harder for some parents. Let us know some of these confessions which have made the first time camp mom experience a unique one.

Confessions of a first time camp mom:

A first time camp experience is amazing, adventurous, memorable and worrisome for camper and for their moms too. Some of these confessions are:

1- Leaving your child off to the summer camp is easy only when you plan and prepare. In actual is it sad to see them go ahead with the overnight camps. Even more than painful it is worrisome. But just the drop off goes a little teary eyed, later it gets better

2- Children may be having a great time at the summer camp but they do call home and ask moms to pick up. No matter what they say on phone, never rush to pick them up. Just speak with the camp counselors and try to find if everything is fine. You may visit but not too soon

3- The homesickness factor does not hold true in every case. Some kids may not be homesick at all but looking at other kids miss their family and call for picking them up; they also start saying the same to their parentshomesickness

4- Not every camper enjoys the food, and maybe whatever you packed as snack is also not worthy. So it is better to check the camp food before putting them to the summer camp. For who said pizza, hot dogs and bagels are not everyones favorite either

5- Letters from campers are funny and emotional. Some kids even go ahead and write they are sad as they write or they are angry or home sick. Which is painful for a mom to read in the first place

6- Every phone call must not be casually taken. Some times all what the kids say may be right as well. So be sure to double check. Many times their security may not be what the camp counselors promised and they must not be left at the camps in those situations.

7- Though the kids may also say they don’t need their comfort toys, but for first time campers anything that makes them relaxed and feel at home is important to overcome their homesickness.first time campers

8- Some kids forget or misplace their belongings and go commandos all the way until the end. Being a first timer they tend not to communicate about their missing underwear’s or other essentials resulting in wearing the same few for all the day at summer camp

9- The kids who successfully finish their summer camps easily and come back may not be the same they were before leaving for the camp. They may tend to demand more and more freedom and cause power battles at home later.

10- There are some hilarious instances too. Some letters from first time campers to their moms are worthy of a laughter here. Some of these letters are:

“ Mom i like the camps, and the girls are so pretty here!”
“ Mom i love everything here, except the campers, the counselors, the food and the place”
– “No joke, i am forced to write you guys that i am fine, but i am not”
– “Mom now that i am away let me tell you, our neighbors dog pooped all the time in our yard to while coming here i pooped in their yard”
– “Mom can i run away from here”
– “Mom good you packed extra underwear, i had diarrhea and i have packed all the soiled ones for home”
– “Dear mom, i am ok!…..from (the saddest person on earth)”
– (Day 10 of the camp) “Mom, i left the bag of underwear’s at home, i am using just the one i wore here untill now”
– “Mom i don’t like the boys here”
– “Mom i was told if i write here, i will be given an ice cream; so i did”
– Mom i am good and eating everything healthy….. Dad: don’t tell to mom i am eating doughnuts and candies”
– “Mom i don’t like the place, come and pick me”

Kids summer campTop 10 confessions of a first time camp mom are some real situation which most of us will or have gone through already. Though its never easy but this milestone is much needed and the most memorable part of a child’s life. Be prepared and talk to your little one. Communication is the best key to being prepared. Not every mom is alike and not every child behaves the same as others, so keep encouraging them and never force or show anger. Easier transformation for kids depends on your support and guidance.

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By Minu Manisha