Top 9 Brain Foods for Children

brain foods for children

Children in their growing years need a lot of essential brain foods to develop cognition and intellectual acumen. What they eat specially in their first 3 years, affect their lifelong mental abilities, language skills, stamina and concentration. We may not be raising the next Einstein in line, or thinking for that perfect 10 score in SAT when we feed our child. But as parents we all want the best of everything for our little ones. And science and research emphasize that food and nutrition must be of prime importance for first few years. These years lay a strong foundation not only in learning and development or skills they acquire but also their behavioral synthesis for building up their persona.

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There are some brain foods for children, which are factually suggested for their magical benefits in brain development and more. These super foods must definitely be a part of their everyday diet, to boost their energy and intellect. What children eat in early years, has a very big influence on their intelligence and cognitive powers all through their life. So these brain foods must definitely be offered to little ones. There are ample allergies children may be affected with, be sure to check with your pediatrician before introducing.

Top 9 Brain Foods for Children include:

1- Green leafy vegetables:

Green leafy vegetablesLike spinach, kale, mint, fenugreek and lettuce. Green leafy vegetables are full of vitamins and folate. They are also rich in anti-oxidants which help the new brain cell to grow. Spinach and kale are also helpful in preventing risk of future ailments like dementia. Children may not like its taste upfront. But try to mix them with vegetables, yogurt, sandwich, soup or salad and sneak them in their diet for their ample benefits.

2- Yogurt:

YogurtYogurt is a natural probiotic which is formed by yeast fermentation of milk. Yogurt has more calcium and vitamins than exact quantity of milk. It is rich in minerals, vitamins and proteins which improve the function and growth of brain tissues. As they have active bacterial culture, they are most helpful in improving digestive tract. A plain yogurt is believed to have magical powers, and 1-2 cup of yogurt a day would be most ideal for effective growth and development.

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3- Berry fruits:

Berry fruitsSpecially Blueberries and strawberry are believed to be exceptionally rich in anti-oxidants which help in preventing free radicle damage of brain. They also enriche memory and learning. As a rich source of Vitamin C they provide citrus which helps in fighting infections and strengthen immunity. Children usually love the taste of berry fruits, but you may also add up on their intake by sprinkling some on their yogurt, oatmeal and toasts too.

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4- Nuts:

NutsNuts or dry fruits are most healthy for they provide proteins, vitamins, fatty acids and minerals to our body. They are the healthiest source of quick proteins and they strengthen the nervous system. These must be daily snack for your child. Introduce all ; Almonds, walnuts, flax seeds, cashews and peanuts. There are some more delicious options like peanut butter and almond butter or almond milk also available which are relished by most kids and easy to eat.

4- Nuts:

Apple“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”

And the age old adage is scientifically proved for its ample benefits. Apples contain quercetin which is a vital anti-oxidant that helps in fighting cognitive decline. Apples also build strong immunity and help in fighting the seasonal infections. Add one apple daily for their power snack during the day. Fresh organic apples are free from the risk of pesticides so opt for them

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6- Broccoli, cauliflowers and brussels sprouts:

Broccoli, cauliflowers and brussels sproutsBroccoli, cauliflowers and brussels sprouts are rich in choline which is needed for brain development and memory function. They also help in increasing brain communication with the rest of our body. Therefore they must be the vegetables kids munch for lunch time.

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7- Whole grains:

Whole grainsWhole grains like brown rice, whole wheat, oats, quinoa must make for most fulfilling part of the meals. They are the complex carbohydrates which are rich in fiber. The most wonderful dietary addition, whole grains make for slow body absorption of glucose. Which helps in constant supply of brain energy and fuel. These can be easily switched in daily grains, like bread, pasta, rice or breakfast cereals.

8- Beans:

BeansBeans are rich in protein, vitamins, minerals. They boost memory and digestion. They are also preventive dietary additions for many ailments. They are powerhouse of anti-oxidants. They not only help in brain development and functioning but also provide all necessary nutrients.

9- Eggs:

EggsEggs contain proteins, omega 3 fatty acids, Choline, zinc and lutein. They are all necessary for brain functioning and development. Choline in eggs in essential for the formation of memory stem cells. They also help in better memory power. They must be a part of daily diet for children.

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9 Brain Foods for ChildrenThe above compilation on Top 9 Brain Foods for Children is based on learnings and experiences over time. There are some incredible benefits these brain foods guarantee, they must be a part of our child’s daily meals. Also help your child find ways to eat these, without being fussy. As the quicker they learn to eat these brain foods by themselves, the easier it will be for their brain development and health for years ahead. Be sure to check for specific allergies and discuss with your pediatrician before introducing these brain foods.

Have your child benefit from these nature’s delights and stay away from junk or sugary foods.

Check campnavigator for some exclusive listings on summer camp and special needs programs. Have a wonderful and enriching summer with your little one.

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By Minu Manisha