Why quick weight loss boot camps don’t work

Quick weight loss boot camps

Weight loss boot camps may be marketing their way through from years. But most people who have attended such weight loss boot camps would swear by not heading to some of these again ever. Simple reason, their experiences and take aways from such boot camps were not up to the mark. A very important point here is despite you following these boot camps, and even loosing some in the beginning; they fail to keep the results for long.

Tops reasons why quick weight loss boot camps don’t work:

Weight loss boot camps are more show than actual benefits. These camps are just for money making and have not been structured to provide long term benefits. Their only agenda is quick weight loss and their military regime. Some of the reasons why these much publicized boot camps for weight loss are a failure include:

1- These boot camps cause more embarrassment than relief for some. Humiliation and criticism don’t really work effectively in the long run

2- These boot camps have a set pattern and they put each one of the person attending the boot camp, to same set which may not work for everyone in the first place

3- These boot camp fail to address the underlying causes which add up to the obesity in the first place

4- These boot camps may not be giving focus to mental wellness and peace which is critical to maintain good health and shape.

5- These boot camps put you on extreme measure, which may give quick results but do not hold in long run.

6- These boot camps work on restrictive diet plans and exercises rather than changes your lifestyle and behavior for long term benefits

7- Boot camps don’t involve families thus no support from social circles results in poor effect of the boot camp

8- Boot camps have just goals for set period of time until the person stays at the camp, no lifelong or long term goals thus it reverses the weight loss program quickly as soon as one leaves the boot camp

9- There is no scientific approach to the programs set by boot camps. They only restrict number of calories and put the people on a rigorous workout regime.

10- Boot camps do not provide counseling and after care support to its participants. This makes it even more tough to continue with the weight loss program furtherreasons why quick weight loss boot camps dont work

How to pick a weight loss boot camp:

In order to do away with these failures of boot camps, pick a boot camp with the following points in mind:

1- A boot camp for weight loss which offers which offers lifestyle changes:

beginning to making you record all your daily diet and activities to discussing and highlighting the problem areas and also pointing to get them changed. Like avoiding alcohol, cigarette and caffeine to few occasional instances first and removing completely in a few weeks. Scheduling sleep hours and workouts in a day

2- A boot camp for weight loss which offers family involvement. It is very important for long term strength and success of the boot camp. If a family supports the weight loss program becomes a huge success and delivers on its goals

3- A boot camp for weight loss which offers long term planning for individuals. This is very important as most people accomplish the boot camp schedule well but after going back home their schedule goes for a toss. These weight loss boot camps must offer a good research based individualized progress card to help people in staying put on their weight loss goals

4- A boot camp for weight loss which offers scientific and research based methods. It is very important that the methods and procedures find factual and scientific backing too. We don’t want our body to be damaged or hurt in any way

5- Continuous after care and monitoring must also be offered. This will help in resolving most queries and issues people face.

6- A boot camp for weight loss which offers a moderate program rather than extreme. Always remember the quicker you lose weight the quicker it will relapse. And putting body to extreme diet and workout can hurt and cause other ailments too

7- A boot camp for weight loss which offers dealing with stress and anxiety too. Mental wellness is as important a factor as anything else. So only if our mind is relaxed and at peace will the weight loss boot camp be successfulweight loss

8- A boot camp for weight loss which offers continuous motivation and inspiration. It is very important to constantly get the positive vibes and thus this gets you the necessary push needed for accomplishing the desired goals.

9- A boot camp which is more result oriented rather than their military regime. They must focus on results specific for an individual rather than making everyone run on the same plan. As all have different kinds of bodies and different set of expectations and goals.

Be sure to check with your healthcare provider and dietician before opting for any boot camp, and do not force your body rather keep it simple and gradual for long term weight loss benefits. be sure to pick the right choices in food and lifestyle too

Check campnavigator resources for more details. Share ahead and keep writing us, we love hearing from you!

By Minu Manisha