We all swear by summer camps for the kind of experience, learning and inspiration they bring to us all. Remember our times when a summer camp meant everything you ever dreamt of while being under the constant surveillance of parents or teachers. Well even now the summer camp experience is astonishing for kids and brings some really romantic and fun moments in addition to all the learning and training. Specially dating at summer camp has been such a different and yet amazing experience for us all. No worries about make up, lavish eating places or classic menu just in your pajamas and here you go enjoying the mushy and romantic interactions.
Top reasons why dating at summer camp is better than in real life:
Well for those who dislike all the pain and torture of preparing for an upcoming date, summer camps are the ideal time and place. Falling in love at summer camp is inevitable and there will be more admiration and flings than ever for the situation you are put into. Camp romances will hold a special place in each of our lives for their simple sweet memories for life. Top reasons for dating at summer camp is better than in real world:
1- You don’t have to worry about how you dress at a date:
All you can wear is the colorful pajamas and tie and dye t-shirts to look chic and trendy at a summer camp and these outfits become your date attire too. Just a hop away is your crush’s cabin you don’t have to dress mighty

2- No delay due to traffic or commute:
All you need to do is go to the cabin of your crush which may not be more than a 2-3 minute distance. So no worry about the traffic which could delay your date meeting
3- Dont worry about how he thinks of you:
He has seen you at your worst already and despite that he adores you, so go out and be yourself for this is what he likes about you
4- Who pays at the end is no cause for concern anymore:
At the end of the date our major worry is who pays for it all. Well! at summer camp everything is paid for and don’t worry about who pays for it. Its all inclusive and paid for already
5- Don’t worry about finding a suitable time:
For practically you and the guy have same schedule and your free times are same. So its a worry free date with your crush
6- No pressure of long term stuff:
At summer camp the most beautiful aspect of dating is that no one looks out for a long term thing. Whatever happens is for the camp time and there is no pressure to take it ahead. Well for most do carry ahead and even turn into strong relationships post summer camps and marriage as well
[Read: 10 tips for first time campers]
7- There are inherent breakfast dates, lunch dates and dinner dates where menu and ambience is decided and you just have to show up, or rather you both know when the other one comes in

8- You know each other well, by now:
Yu know the other ones friends, likes and dislikes and also strengths and weaknesses. There is no pretend play in the dates at summer camps so they are more realistic and fun than in real lives
9- Lack of privacy is great at a summer camp:
For there are everyone else around so you tend to take the date slow and theres absolutely no worry about taking it physical as its practically difficult.
10- Camp bonfires are an icing on cake:
Camp bonfires provide ample opportunities for cuddling and snuggling. For they are the much needed romantic actions and dating cant be better without them
11- You can date anyone anytime at summer camp:
Today you date a friend and tomorrow you may date their friends or guys of your best friends. Its totally fine as no one will judge you. Everyone is joining the same club for its a relaxing and fun-filled time for all
[Read: Importance of summer camp for kids and teens]
12- All you have to remember is that there is no ignoring or fading away:
You know even if you break up you would still see him each day at the summer camp. No matter how much you dislike your paths will cross a hundred of time at least before you leave from the summer camp and its just fine for no one judges you and it goes as easy as possible
13- All the emotions are for real:
Despite the situation and the space you know all your emotions are for real. You wont feel the same for anyone ever is what each one of us thinks in the moment. And its true as well, for that moment nothing is as perfect and as special. So enjoy it all while it lasts
14- Its all about romance and sexual awakenings:
Most teens have their first elaborate discussion and advices on sex at summer camps. And all your doubts and but-ifs get refreshments you always needed. So dating becomes even more real here
15- No sulking or wallowing post breakup:
Since the situation is such that nothing is planned long term or means anything much when it starts. So there is absolutely no sulking or wallowing after breaking up or leaving the summer camp.Which is a blessing for all
The above compilation on Top reasons for dating at summer camp is better than in real world is to share how dating is so much easy and fun when done at a summer camp. Teenagers get their freedom away from home and parents and their interactions with fellow camper help in bringing them mutual admiration and a sense of liking. This is absolutely harmless and worry less for of dating which is easier to forget post summer camp
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