How to help your kids make friends at summer camp

making friends at summer camp

Having an enriching and stimulating summer is a dream and we as parents thrive to make every effort for a wonderful summer experience for our children. Summer camps are not just for staying safe during the summers, but its more than every other experience for our little ones. From being independent to exploring newer horizons in their own personal self, every child makes the most lasting of memories and best of friends at summer camp. As parents you must help your kids make friends at camp, and also teach them how to make friends at camp which are long lasting and close bonds.

How to help your kids make friends at summer camp:

There are several take always that a child brings from a summer camp. The most memorable ones being lasting friendships with close knit bond truly wonderful for life. The situation they are put into and the schedule they work in makes them closely bonded with like minded fellows. Some ways to help your kids make friends at camp are:

1- Give your child the freedom to pick their choice summer camp:

This is very important for any child to feel important and independent. When kids pick their summer camps, half their worry is gone already regarding homesickness and staying away from home. And if the child picks according to their own interests they are likely to find more of kids who have same passion. If children are unhappy and don’t like a summer camp, chances are they don’t open up to anyone and stay isolated at the campGive your child the freedom

2- Attend pre-camp meetings and gatherings:

These are very important for both your and the child. You would know how the camp proceeds and the child learns what to expect. They meet peers and also often exchange numbers to stay connected until the camp begins. This gives them a better understanding of each other and they end up making a lot of great friends

3- Choose a summer camp which has some of their friends too:

The first sleep-away camp your child attends must have a known friend so that the jitters and anxiety can be overdone. Having someone whom your kids are fond of adds to their socializing and they open up far easily and bond well

4- Kids must be encouraged to participate as much possible:

Summer camps may have a lot of options of fun and learning, you as parents must guide your children to not miss anything important. They must participate in every important activity and event. This helps in building a strong rapport with fellow campers and counselors.

[Read: Dealing with children’s behavior issues]

5- Kids must be taught about patience, humility and kindness:

A child who does not incorporate these basic wisdom in their life may not find any friend or acquaintance at all at the summer camp. For being good is definitely a virtue every child can attract and make good friends withKids must be taught about patience

6- Kids must be taught about body language basics:

Sometime kids may have an improper body language which prevents them from being likes and appreciated by fellows. This causes them to miss making friends and may also add up to their anxiety. As parents you must teach your kids about right and appealing body language.

7- Teach your kids how to engage in conversation which is healthy and appealing:

Every child must be able to express themselves and involve in healthy conversations which helps them in finding connect with others. Light and casual conversations can be a good way to begin interactions and then how to proceed further with more interesting picks which everyone enjoys discussing aboutTeach your kids how to engage in conversation

8- Teach the kids about relationship graphs:

We begin happy and excited and there are loads of ups and downs including heartfelt conflicts and more. But eventually we find the balance which makes our relationship strong. If kids learn that conflicts are inevitable and how to rise above them to make a relationship lasting, then it will help them in building straight from the heart bonds which are lifelong and lasting

9- Teach them how to safeguard their interests and self-respect:

As parents we must ensure that our kids don’t end up in a wrong relationship and therefore they must know whats their self-interest and how to keep their respect high. Never end up in a relationship which is abusive or painful and this must be learnt from the first time they are away from homeTeach them how to safeguard their interests

10- Learn to forgive and move on:

For having a healthy friendship the kids must be able to forgive and forget minor issues. This is a very important awakening the child can get from parents. As kids are hyper and full of energy they may not feel the need of forgiving. Thus they are ruining their chances of being in a friendship. No one is perfect and forgiving the small incidents not just makes you stick with your friends but also prevents you from unnecessary thought process.

More ways to help your child build strong friendships:

Some more ways to help your child become friends which will help them in becoming more confident and independent about themselves. These include:

1- More and more social activities:

Involve your child in more and more social activities which will help them learn how to connect with others and how to behave when in a social circle

2- Listen to your child often:

Whenever your kid needs to say you something, listen with an open mind and pure heart. You may not like their judgments but as parents you must listen to everything they say

3- Keep check on whether they are being bullied at school or elsewhere:

As kids are vulnerable and bullying can happen anywhere anytime, we must ensure proper safety system for our child’s emotional and physical safety

4- Learn more about the behavior and attitude of your child when away at school or parties:

This will help you in understanding what kind of a person he or she is. They must not be dominating and interfering for everyone needs some space

5- Read and tell them stories about friendship and how friends behave:

This is a very important skill your child must have. Social skills training begins as soon as birth and how you behave with others makes a great learning for your child. Continue telling them stories on how friends behave and how they connect in social world.

The above compilation on How to help your kids make friends at summer camp is to help you and your children have the best experience in your life. There are several ways your child can connect with campers and counselors and make great friends for life. This would have a lasting impact on them in the most positive way. As parents we must ensure the preparation and mental set up for our kids before they reach the camp site. They must have strong interpersonal skills.

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