How to start a successful summer tennis camp


Every business has their own detailing and prospects, and running a summer camp is no different. When it comes to how to start a tennis camp, there are some details which we must ensure. To accomplish not only successful summer tennis camp but also a fulfilling and enriching business opportunity. There are some wonderful ways which can be adopted and a step by step plan be formulated to make the tennis summer camp much appreciated and fulfilling endeavor.

How to start a tennis camp:

Ever wondered what are the basics of beginning starting a tennis camp, well there are not much plans or things that you need. Just a couple of few important points to consider and here you go organizing the most wonderful summer tennis camp in your area. Some steps to accomplish a great summer tennis camp include:How to start a tennis camp

1- Learn about the logistics first:

There is a thorough overview which must be done to ensure you do not miss any important step here. You must know what and how are things going to shape at the summer tennis camp. Also what are the documentation and other licensing needs for your summer camp. Begin with planning and organizing the funds, staff and documentation, how to go about licensing and advertising, and how the funds are to be allocated for utmost benefits

2- Make a rough plan of the activities at the summer tennis camp:

You must now be able to for see what all activities are going to happen at the summer camp. How you wish to involve free play, outdoor fun and other creative and innovative activities in addition to tennis basics and details. The child who attends your summer tennis camp must be positively and creatively stimulated all through the camp.

3- Decide on your camp site:

You would need ample outdoor space, safer shelter and nearer to medical and health aid. For you will have young kids to look after. They must have ample running space for the kids like park or arena. There must be ample parking space for parents to have their cars safely parked at least for a few minutes a day.

4- Check the other such camps in your area:

If possible check their budgeting and pricing basics. How you can put up your summer tennis camp at competitive prices and yet get the discounted benefits. It is a great strategy to have at least 5-7% less than the biggest competitor in your area for the first few years until you have established yourself. Then making the summer tennis camp worthy affair for campers and staff members too would add further to the upcoming benefits year on year

[Read: Fun things to do while camping]

5- Budgeting basics and pricing your summer tennis camp:

You must know your budgeting strength and also how you wish to price your summer tennis camp. The campers and their parents must feel every worth for the money they spent here. Your pricing must involve constants and variables too, keep a marginal fund separate for miscallenous and unplanned expenses.

6- Marketing and publicity:

Marketing and publicityNow its time to advertise and publicize the summer tennis camp. You may create pamphlets, brochures and digital marketing fliers for spreading the word. Emails, phone calls and mailers sent out to organizations and communities is also a great tactic to invite a pool of applicants. Set up your website and payment portal in addition to query resolution. There must some support to inform and discuss parent queries all the timeMarketing

7- Apply for license:

You need accreditation and license to run the summer tennis camp. Contact Department of Heath first for seeking summer camp inspectors and seek help on how to get license for running and recreational summer camp. File for these and look out for medical adviser. You need a nurse practitioner, pediatrician and doctor to approve your plans and get licensed. Formulate a fire evacuation plan and submit to local fire chief. Also site inspection reports to keep the best interests set-up in place

8- Staffing drive:

Recruiting and selecting personnel for various camp jobs is a tiring task. There are many web portals which connect with prospective candidates, so be sure to tap on these soon. For your first year have friends and family members for it is easy to connect with them and then from next year onward look for more professional endeavors. For efficient staffing you need to do background checks for each candidate, learn detailed medical information about them, also keep the cost minimized and set their payout processes in place

9- Insurance:

Get medical and liability insurance which is most beneficial in your constraints of budget. Also make the parents sign how you would try and ensure accident free space but these uncertainties are beyond your powers. Also have an arbitration clause signed by parents too. This would ensure arbitration before they sue

10- Lay out the rules and projects for running the actual summer tennis camp:

The rules must ensure feasibility and safety for everyone and also ensure discipline in addition to immense fun for everyone too. Lay out guidelines for trouble kids and how to deal with them.

[Read: Top summer camp inspired activities]

How to run a successful tennis camp which can make a difference for everyone:

How to run a successful tennis campIts not easy to be that summer camp which fulfills every need and desire attributed by everyone. Each candidate and staff members comes with their hopes and ideas of how they see this summer camp and what they seek out of it. To be able to ensure everyone gets their fair share you need a few more zing factors which include:

1- Stay positive:

The optimism you show gets emulated by the summer tennis camp and this is very critical to run a summer tennis camp which aims to make a difference in lives of people. Appreciate each member well, build strong memories and lasting relationships

2- Your attitude matters more than anything else:

Stay focused and exhibit the right attitude always. The more you show the right zeal and enthusiasm the more it builds further. Enjoy tiring days and sleepless nights for that’s what brings you the glory and success

3- Reward and recognition programs:

You must have some wonderful rewards and recognition for each and every member at summer tennis who gives extra bit from their end. It is always great to appreciate the sincere and earnest efforts of campers and staff members as this helps them to build and grow on these instincts further which is the main agenda of our summer camp.

4- Mentor and inspire:

All you are for the campers is a great inspiration, so be that mentor who not just encourages but also is there always. Kids look out and look up to you and it is very important to have a team which is truly worthy of mentoring and guiding

5- Essential life skills training:

Essential like skills(Essential like skills) are the biggest challenge for a kid who has never attended a summer camp before. And it is not that easy to adopt them at regular schools. Summer camps are the place where kids learn essential life skills and survival skills too.

6- Camp website, emails and social media marketing:

Marketing and publications are extremely important and especially the social media marketing which is the largest contributor to the success of any business in recent times.

The above compilation on How to start a successful summer tennis camp is to bring about the necessary preparation and step by step guide to setting up a successful summer tennis camp. Like any business it takes a lot of planning and preparation in first year and then build and grow further on your principles and guidelines further

Check campnavigator resources for more details on summer camps and special needs programs. Our exhaustive list is truly enchanting and scintillating for parents and caretakers in addition to little rovers.

Share ahead and keep writing us, we love hearing from you!

By Minu Manisha