Is Overnight Camp for your child?

Overnight Camp

No matter what one might say, for most parents across America, especially for the first timers, sending off their little ones to a summer camp isn’t particularly an easy decision. With a wad of factors to be considered, pertaining to both the kid and the camp, picking that one right summer camp is an uphill climb for nearly all parents. And then there is the big question — which is better for your child – a day camp or an overnight one?

Many overnight camps session last from anywhere from a few days to a couple of months. Packing off your child to sleepaway camp can be a great idea for a variety of reasons. Camp Navigator brings to the fore a few of those reasons. Read on.

Cement bonds, make friends
By teaming up kids up into cabins and making them slog through different activities, a majority of overnight camps paves way for kids to make friends. Unlike school, where kids meet and mingle with same kids everyday for a few hours every day and then return to familiar family faces, at camp they are constantly flanked by new companies, and this can make them friendlier and more social.

Sleeping Alone
For some kids, sleeping alone, away from home and family can be intimidating. Nevertheless, it is an important skill and needs to be mastered. At overnight camp, kids are exposed to new situations with new supports which helps kids to adapt to new things and break free from all inhibitions with ease.

Learns to do things on their own
At most camps, the day-to-day schedule involves more or less the same routine. However, campers need to pick which activities they wish to attend on any particular day. They learn to decide, choose, manage and perform on their own, a big ego-booster!

Learn new skills
Ever camp offers a fairly wide range of activities like canoeing, windsurfing, kayaking, sailing, swimming, pottery, paddle making, drama, arts and crafts. Residential camps give the kids longer and better exposure to these activities and help shape their skills and passions.

Learning to live minimally
Although the majority of overnight camps offer campers solid meals and warm showers, most provide kids the invaluable chance to learn about living in a more minimalistic way. Sleeping on a plain mattress, managing days with only a bagful of resource, etc., teaches them to get by with minimal means.