Top 10 Summer Camps For Visually Impaired Kids

summer camps for visually impaired
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Children with disabilities need a lot more humble and stimulating experience than normal children. For their under-privileges prevent them from participating in the better half of the events. Summer camps for visually impaired or blind kids are a specialized program where, despite their odds, visually impaired children come together for some enriching and exciting time together as a team. Their exuberance and eagerness is enhanced with the most enchanting curriculum at the summer camps, and not just they begin to identify themselves but they also gain amazing levels of self confidence too.

Check out a few of summer camps for visually impaired kids:

The special place where disabilities do not prevent you from having fun, yes!these are the kind of dreams summer camps for visually impaired kids bring to reality. From accommodation to care taking, they have everything set in place for the special needs campers. Camp staff have received specialized training and are fully capable of taking charge. Some of these special needs camps for blind kids are:

1- Camp Tuhsmeheta in Greenville, MI:

Camp Tuhsmeheta in Greenville
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Camp Tuhesmeheta is owned and organized by the State of Michigan, Dept of Education-Low Incidence Outreach. Tuhesmeheta stands for Touch, smell, hear and taste, with a 300 acre outdoor facility for education and enrichment of students, this is a great place for visually impaired kids. They offer site to youth organizations and school groups an excellent outdoor learning environment which help kids in enrichment and stimulation in a positive way.

2- National camp for blind children, NE:

National camp for blind children
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NCBC or National Camp For Blind Children is a Christian Record services program, which began in 1967. But now they are spread over entire US with over 50000 campers attending each year. The camps take place at a well equipped site which has amazing geographic location and rises to the Camp standard of excellence. Well trained and committed staff members make this camp an amazing experience for blind kids.

3- Vacation camp for the blind in NY:

Vacation camp for the blind in NY
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Located in 25 acres of Rockland county in NY, with largest and most comprehensive facilities since 1926. They serve 600 people of all ages every year. They offer rehabilitation and educational programs, including braille classes, computers, sport, arts, dance, entertainment and many enriching games. They also offer many special needs programs too

4- NFB BELL academy:

NFB BELL academy
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National Federation of Blind Braille Academy hosts summer camps for visually impaired at several locations all across US. They provide in depth braille education for children who either are not receiving adequate lessons or are not receiving lessons at all. These intense braille instructions for kids age 4 through 12 also involve hands on learning experiences along with immense enrichment. Children also learn vital independent skills along with engaging project participation with peers.

5- STEM camps for interested visually impaired students (SCIVIS) In Huntsville Alabama:

STEM camps
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SCIVIS provides 4 different kinds of programs for kids various ages. Teachers of the visually impaired coordinate this accessible space for the blind, giving a fully inclusive space camp experience for children who have a flair for space exploration but are visually impaired. This is an all inclusive experience for children who are blind

6- Independence camps with expanded core curriculum in MI:

Independence camps
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Independence camps at Rochester Hills, MI aims at developing independence and leadership skills in children. They also include an array of summer time fun activities like kayaking, rock climbing, tandem biking and many more guided by the camp counselors. Special lessons on guide dog, travel and spending time with visually impaired peers makes this camp a wonderful experience for campers. All mentors are well trained to provide necessary skills to campers

7- Washington state DSB summer camp:

Washington state DSB summer camp
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The Washington state Department of Services for the Blind provides a curriculum which helps in practicing independence living skills, and other expended core curriculum skills. They also learn about socialization, technology, mobilization and orientation in addition to self advocate and prepare for life ahead.

8- Running Blind Adventure Camp MI:

Running Blind Adventure Camp MI
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Running blind adventure camp takes the qualifying blind kids on a 4 day adventure trip down the mainstee river, while canoeing and camping along the way. There are relaxing and fun activities too. It is in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

9- Camp Little Rock in NJ:

Camp Little Rock in NJAll children affiliated to the state agency for visually impaired are eligible to apply for this camp for free. Campers involve in activities like hiking, fishing, swimming, horseback riding, talent show, craft and many more enriching activities. They assure an unforgettable summer for your child

10- NFB Engineering Quotient in Maryland:

NFB Engineering Quotient in Maryland
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NFB engineering quotient camp is for US citizens in 9-12 grades. All the kids who are visually impaired in the age group, and have deep interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Management. They all participate at the Jernigan Institute. Students work together to find solutions to real world problems of the third world countries. Kids collect data, research and prototype, analyze and proceed with their scientific acumen. Only 40 students are admitted each year and it is an amazing place for all kids who just love STEM.

Check more details about summer camps and special needs programs at campnavigator resources.

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