Summer music camps for high school students

Summer music camps

As soon as the calendar marks February our worries for the school year end and summer camp for little ones begins. We may not have yet decided on a summer camp, but we all certainly hope to give the most enriching of experiences to our kids. While our search may have taken us through the list of options available which are not only inspiring but also thrilling option for our little ones. One among these are summer music camps for high school students. Those high schoolers who have decided to take up music in professional capacity, its time to hone the skills in most adroit of ways.

Benefits of music summer programs for teens:

While there are ample benefits that music training can bring in, there is also a greater need to find connect with self too. Which is the most important result of adopting music summer program at this stage for professional skill training. Some of these benefits of summer music camps include:

1- Creative and fun based learning:

Music is all about being creative and it definitely adds to the thrill when you seek professional lessons in it. The high schooler brings to explore his or her creative acumen and newer dimensions to create a piece of art.

2- Inspires and transforms their learning dimensions:

Children learn newer dimensions into music with proper training at summer camps. These kids find their passion within if exposed brilliantly to some of the intricacies of musical endeavors. Music binds their own self and brings out some most enriching and creative forms of artInspires and transforms their learning dimensions

3- Music gives physical activity and mental relaxation too:

Summer gap can create academic loss and the kids who do not join any program during these 3 months of summer gap are found to have negative impacts academically. So summer camps like musical summer program help in keeping the momentum and passion in kids. When you join a summer camp, no matter which area it concentrates, physical fitness is the most significant focus area. Sedentary activities like watching TV or on tablet during summers is the most deteriorating thing for any child. Specially at this age teens must be encouraged for more and more exposure with the outside world

4- Music helps in bringing peace of mind and relaxation to kids:

Music is known to bring peace of mind to the one who plays and to the one who listens it too. Taking music lessons helps in bringing the much needed patience and relaxation to the kids.

5- Increases the skill and knowledge about the chosen instrument(s):

There are experts imparting training in musical instruments which enables deeper knowledge enhancement for the kids. They are also exposed to details on how to perform, what are the basics of presentation, how is the instrument played or held effectively and more

6- Find deeper friendship bonds while music making:

Music making is a linked process where one person with an instrument is dependent on another with his or her instrument. It is more about collaborating and finding personal ties than about professional grouping. The entire learning of the child about social interaction sees a new dimension with music making

7- These camps help in building self- esteem and self expression:

It is very important for teens to develop self-expression and self-esteem, and music does exactly the same. The children are encouraged to bring out their creative selves and also they learn to acquire knowledge and bond with their group for deeper learning’s.These camps help in building self- esteem

Some summer music camps for high school students:

While every state offers some wonderful and enriching musical summer camps, there are some widely popular. These summer music programs have the legacy of drawing the largest crowd and also may add towards college credits too. Some of these programs include:

1- Penn state summer music camp:

Penn state summer music camp is a week long residential camp for high school students. They offer training in orchestra, band, choir, jazz and even piano. There are sectional ensembles and also academic classes in cartoon music, jazz improvisation, music history mysteries, music theory, music theater and also psychology of music. This program gives an opportunity for performance at public concert venues around Penn state university. There are master classes, private ensembles, student recitals, chamber music, and more.

2- NYU Steinhardt summer programs:

NYU Steinhardt offers summer programs to high school students in classical voice and piano. High schoolers over 16 explore this 3 week long program, and learn on presentation, interpretation, preparation and techniques of classical singing. There is both group and individual instruction on diction and repertoire, stage movement and vocal technique. This helps students enter conservatory study and careers in performance through one on one instruction.

3- Blue Lake fine arts camp:

T Blue Lake fine arts camp in Twin Lake MI offers several sessions for high school students to advance their knowledge and learning in a specific area of music. The young campers need to select one from jazz, harp, choir, band, orchestra, music composition and piano. Campers are grouped according to their learning levels and undergo rigorous training also picking a major for their study.

4- Boston University Tanglewood Institute:

Internationally acclaimed top music programs for young individuals, it gives an opportunity for campers to learn from renowned professionals from music industry. Boston Symphony orchestra playing the major part. There are several areas like piano, wind ensemble, orchestra, vocals, composition and harp also 2 week workshop for flute, saxophone, oboe, bassoon, French horn, Trumpet, trombone, percussion, double bass. There are workshops and public performances with faculty and even guest artists and professionals too

5- California Summer music at Sonoma State University in CA:

California Summer music at Sonoma State University in CA offers 3 week residential programs in both performance and composition. Faculty and guest artist concerts, local excursions and sports also make an important part of this programCalifornia Summer music at Sonoma State University in CA

The summer vocal programs for high school students are for to help us choose the most wonderful and suitable enrichment camp for our children. The more stimulating and fun their experiences through the summer, the better it helps in their development.

Check campnavigator resources for more updates.

By Minu Manisha