Ideas for summer camp counselor survival kit

Camp counselor survival kit

A summer camp brings whole bunch of exciting and creative ideas flowing in. And when you are a summer camp counselor, all your aspirations and ambitions to be a role model are

just about to take shape. Every role at summer camp requires a lot of challenges and is filled with immense surprises. As enchanting and scintillating as it sounds, summer camp survival kit ideas will sure add more fun and delight.

Ideas for summer camp counselor survival kit:

Some awesome ideas for camping survival kit checklist includes all the fun filled and easy ways which will not only help you sustain the life at summer camp, but also make it

simpler too. Camp survival kit for counselors is all about bringing the most useful items which are going to make your experience truly and enriching one. Camp survival kit ideas include:

1- Post It’s:

Forget them not, as all the most important and significant parts in a day need to be checked up again and again. Putting post its around for you to remember and read them, will help you not to miss any of these and also to make time for them too

2- Paper clips:

All the documents and papers with the others itms need to be organized at all times. Paper clips are just the right ways which would not just make it simple but also quick. Even the unused snack items and and foods can be tucked up by paper clips to keep them fresh and crunchy for long

3- A sports watch:

Summer camp counselors are running on schedule always and nothing even as unplanned as rain, splashing fun or winds can even stop them from keeping check on their time. So a sport watch which is water resistant and keeps the pedometer options also alive, must be your definite accessory

4- Bandaids:

And read them a lot of bandaids as kids often fall and get minor bruises and scratches. A simple bandaid can help them forget the pain and continue with their activities. And also it can be the most hygienic urgent care you can give to these kids

[Read: Tips for first time camp counselors]

5- Golf pencils:

Not the big ones but golf pencils are just awesome for kids. Keep at least a few dozens handy for all the times. As who knows when you need that quick sketching session. And also for yourself , why spending so much on big pencils when this golf pencil can suffice

6- Duct tape, push pins and adhesive dots:

To keep the day’s plan and other important facts up and out there you need to tag them somewhere such that everyone can read and be prepared for them. A duct tape can be used anywhere even on the walls and cabinets or doors too. Push pins for the notice boards and adhesive dots for more surfacesDuct tape, push pins and adhesive dots

7- Hat and bandana:

For the cool counselor look make sure to add these in your essential survival kit. The scorching heat and weather volatility requires you to brave it all with utmost glamor and style as you can. Just the right colors and funky picks are super cool for a summer camp

8- Name tags:

All the fellow counselor’s name tags must be ready and set all the time. Be sure to pack extra as there will be more loss than found. And decorate them well, for campers must feel their need more than anything else.

9- A backpack:

All the small and big items need to be around at all times, and even if its a few yards away from campsite you have to have them with you while going for outdoors. So arrange everything you and your group of campers would need in the backpack and enjoy hands free use

10- Whistle:

A whistle to guide and gain attention. The most crucial yet funny part of being a camp counselor. Blow the whistle and get the campers to assemble, perform or even disperse.

Camping survival kit checklist:

Camping survival kit checklistCamp counselor survival kit to enjoy the fun filled and enriching summer camp:

1- Water bottle

2- Instant energy bars and chocolates

3- Flash light

4- Headphones

5- Powerbank

6- Extra set of batteries charged and ready to use

7- Pocket knife

8- Map

9- Schedule for the days

10- Scissor

Some more Camp survival kit for counselors are available online an din stores, which are just too cute and worthy to be packed for your next camping trip. These counselor special camping survival kits are the best friend and guide to keep you inspired and motivated throughout the camps. Be sure to check campnavigator resources for more details, share ahead and keep writing us for more!

By Minu Manisha