Top 5 mistakes parents make when choosing a summer camp

choosing a summer camp

Finding the right summer camp for your child can be challenging, and takes a lot of analysis. We wish the most enriching and stimulating experience for our little ones during summers and comes all our efforts to make this as enhancing and fun filled as possible. Summer is here and choosing a summer camp without making any mistakes is our top priority.

All our effort to keep our children safe and stimulated goes for a toss if we over look these important points. Let us learn about the mistakes to avoid when picking a summer camp for our children. These mistakes are extremely critical and must be taken a special note to avoid.

Top 5 mistakes parents make when picking a summer camp:

Many studies have found that giving a summer off or putting the kids to a wrong summer camp or making mistakes when choosing a summer camp, are all equally responsible to drop the grade level average of kids by over 2 months after the school resumes.

To keep the kids sustain and grow above their current grades it is very important to prevent summer loss. Thus we must make sure we avoid these mistakes and don’t let the summer experience become any derogatory. Some common mistakes include:

1- Not involving kids when picking the summer camp:

Most parents don’t let their kids have a say while picking a summer camp. Kids may not even be interested in the choice their parents put them to. Engagement is the key to learning and if kids are too detached or disinterested in a summer camp then thats a complete loss. We have to strike a balance between challenging activities and keeping kids interested

2- Sending them to a sleepover camp too soon or too late:

More than the age its about readiness, some kids are ready for a sleepover camp as early as 6 years while some others are not prepared until 8 or 9. We must try and figure out the preparedness and send the kids to a summer camp accordingly. We should not forget if we send them too early their immature behavior may make the camp experience altogether bad.

3- Following their best friends without checking for their needs:

Some parents just pick a summer camp because their kids friends are going for it. While it may good for first time sleep away camps but it certainly may not have the our kids stimulated. Their interest, hobbies, passions and ideas must get proper platform for grooming rather than just a group of friends.Following their best friends

4- Not visiting the camp site before registering:

It is very important to check the campsite before deciding and registering for it. It is important to check the safety and other features at the camp site and talk to the camp directors and counselors to understand how they would work. This will give a detailed idea about whether or not this camp is fit for our children. Ask some important questions before signing up for summer camp to learn more and more about the camp and its safety aspects.

5- Choosing a camp which is not accredited by ACA:

Choosing a camp which is accredited by ACA guarantees all the standards of program and planning are met. It is not necessarily true that all non accredited summer camps are unprofessional but when we choose only those schools which are certified then why choosing a summer camp which is not.

How to pick a summer camp without making mistakes:

If we wish to make their summer as interesting and enriching as possible we must ensure compliance to the following:

1- Stop helicopter parenting:

Why cant we let the kids be, and why do we have to be a part in total of their activities. This not only kills the idea of being independent but also makes our children less aware about things around them. Let the kids solve their own problems and learn to become self-sufficient. Fear of failure or getting hurt are two of the main causes of making parents hover around their children’s daily activities. But if they don’t learn these basic skills of rising through their failures and taking the spirits high, they would never be able to become independent

2- Stop imposing your wishes on them:

Why is it necessary for any kid to follow their parents dreams rather than finding their own passions. While opting for a summer camp do not force what you think is right for them, let them find their own inspiration.

3- Allow kids to be the reason for their own success rather than you taking the lead:

Let kids on their own go ahead in life. Be it summer camp or how to proceed with activities during summer, let the kids do what they deem perfect and be the reason for their own enhancement

4- Do not emphasize too much academics:

Academics is important but other activities are equally important too. Just reinforcing academic oriented courses and programs would never lead to a happy and successful child. Let sport and art be their passion and interests, and academic be their guide. Not every child can be an Einstein but every child has their own unique place and they would make it special in their own way

5- Do no run about brand names when picking summer camps:

A big and huge brand name with masses following may not be the right fit for your kid. Its more about whats right for your child than whats popular. You kid may better be benefitted from other lesser known camps than the big brands. Be wise when picking the summer camp. And make the kids happy and excited about their summer camp.


The above compilation on Top 5 mistakes parents make when choosing a summer camp, is to help all parents avoid being too involved or too forceful in choosing summer camps for children. Remember the experience has to be enriching and stimulating and must prepare the kid for more independence ahead

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By Minu Manisha